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Control Diabetes and Reduce risk of Cancer with Guava

Guava is a fruit of high medicinal value. It's rich in astringents, dietary fibre, Vitamin A, B & C, iron and potassium. The astringents found in Guava are alkaline in nature and have disinfectant and anti-bacterial properties, thus helping in cure of dysentery. Further, other nutrients in guava, such as vitamin C, carotenoids and potassium strengthens and tones up the digestive system and disinfect it. Guava is also beneficial in gastroenteritis.

Guava helps control diabetes, protects prostrate, its lypocene reduces the risk of cancer, the juice of leaves cures toothache, swollen gums and oral ulcers, heals wounds when applied externally, convulsions, epilepsy, bacterial infections and keeps skin glowing, free from aging, wrinkles and other disorders.

Source: Guava — a fruit of high medicinal importance

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